
Bullets are very simple little things - they make listed words or separate sections of a page more visible and neater looking. They come as circles, squares, diamonds and sometimes they're even animated. Here's an example of the use of a bullet:

Tommy's Favorite Foods!
Hot dogs!
Apple Pie!

First, let's discuss hot dogs...

Here are the bullets I have for you to choose from. As always, if you have seen one on another site that you like, I can probably get it for you.

BEACH BALL - Use on a white background

BLUE / BLACK - Use on any background

BLUE SQUARE - Use on a black background

COLORS - Use on any background

PEACH / BLACK - Use on any background *

SQUARE MAZE - Use on any background

RUBY BALL- Use on any background

PURPLE BALL - Use on any background

PULSAR - Use on a black background

* Size was reduced
