#1 - it's free
#2 - it's a guestbook
#3 - it's a stat tracker and analyzer
#4 - it's a hit counter
To access the guestbook, simply click the word "guestbook" in the box and it will let you sign or read the guestbook. You can customize your guestbook, as well, and ask your own questions where your visitors type in their answer or you can give them multiple choices. You can make the guestbook background color and text different sizes and colors and xoom has different dividers for you to choose from, also. You can even have an automatically generated e-mail sent to the people that sign your guestbook that thanks them for signing it. Click on my guestbook and see some of the customized questions I have listed (go ahead and sign it also!)
By clicking the "stats" button and entering your password, you can see your site's last 100 visitors' IP address, your site's most popular day of the week, it's most popular hour, how many visitors you had each week for the last several weeks, what countries your visitors are from, what operating systems they're using, what browsers they're using. There may even be more things it tracks, but I can't think of them at the moment. If you want to know exactly, please e-mail me and I'll look it up for you!
The hit counter part is the number to the right of "Visits." That number displays how many people have viewed the exact page the counter is displayed on since it was added to your site. You can even put the date you added it on your site so that people know when the counting started.